Please note corrections made today to a few posts. The Picnic is actually 11am NOT 11:30 am Saturday. Registration begins at 10:30.
So to get us all in the spirit of sharing, I thought it would be fun to start a running blog comment train of where you have been the past 20 years. Either here or on FB, shout out to the class. Let us know whether you are coming this weekend or not. Share some of your proudest moments from the past 20 years. SOme of your great memories of our first 18 etc....
See you all Saturday....
I have to say i am not proud of the fact I really have not stayed in touch with anyone. Except for a few musings with Eric Monnig, a close friend in school, I went through so many changes (late puberty perhaps) I just kept moving forward and never looked back. Every six months my life goals changed. Went to McCollege - Rockville for music - TRUMPET MAJOR. By second semester I was dabbling in theater more. By second year I was singing my first Opera. For the next five years I worked or at least performed in DC area at churches, theaters and of course restaurants. (Including the RIO Hamburger Hamlet, Clyde Gtown etc). Met the love of my life in 1993 backstage. I was the star. She was the lackey to my student prince. In 1997 we moved together to NYC. Exactly 1 year later we were married. Of all things, the tragedy of 9/11 was just the thing I needed to wake up. Snapping me out of a rut, I quit the restaurant business, started auditioning, got work and then almost divorced. Now a working actor, I never saw my wife. Laurice started to turn down acting gigs so she would be home when done touring. So we started EIGHT IS NEVER ENOUGH. At first a musical sketch group like a rag tag CAPITOL STEPS, we now do almost all Improv Comedy, with a few lousy video sketches on YOU TUBE. In 2004 we started IMPROV 4 KIDS, teh K-12 outreach program. This show now tours DC area schools as well. Doing the Improv Show is what allowed me to get noticed and seen by industry and gigs on teh Letterman Show, MTV, VH1, NICK, WE and some commercials. Two years ago we were down performing for a few days in Gaithersburg and surrounding areas. Saw a movie at the RIO and Kentlands that week. Drove around. Caught up with some family in the area (Laurice is a Quinch Orchard Grad). I started to remember all the great times we had. Playing in PEP band at the football games. I played in 9th grade when we won STATE and when we lost as Seniors. Even one game for Basket Ball team at UM. Pool Parties at my house. Field Parties by Chris Daly's et al. Late nite BBall in the village shooting off Roman Candles and hiding booze from cops driving by. Cruising for Whitman Chicks at the TCBY on 28.... I DIGRESS.... 100's of phone calls and meetings with Doug Graham, Brent Lehman, Layla Masri, Johnny Spaans, Chris Daly, Carrie Clark, Jessy McCary and so many others and you get BLUE & GOLD 2010.
OK Now I do not have to hear myself babble this 100 times. I want to hear your stories. I want to share some laughs. Please post hear or on FB. Inquiring minds want to know!!! Plus I could use some material for my speech on Saturday LMAO
Norwich in 1990, Jump School in 91 (ran into Mike Marlowe from GHS 90 while there), graduated NU 94, commissioned in the Army in the summer of 94, went back to a shipping receiving job at a biotech in Rockville, MP School in 95 - ran into Chuck Palmer GHS 90(I think) there. Security guard work, got engaged, moved to Boston, got married, became security systems operator for a major bank, became an MP Platoon leader, deployed to Bosnia, worked with Green Berets and tankers. Came back, got divorced, became anti-terrorism adviser for the Army Reserves (part time), went to Iraq, came back, got laid off from the bank, stayed unemployed for a year and a half, took a command position in a Law Enforcement unit in the Reserves, started teaching Army ROTC as a contractor at Northeastern University in Boston, various USAR assignments, now looking at another deployment at the end of the summer. Brew my own beer, grow some of my own herbs and vegetable, planning on buying big sailboat some day, living a life not ordinary in some ways. T. Parshall